Reverend Stephen Randall’s Pastoral Message

Do Whatever He Tells You

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”

John 2:5 (NIV)

“How times have changed!” My mother used to say this to me when I was growing up. She would talk about how times were much better in the forties and fifties when she was a kid. Now that I am an adult, with a daughter and grandchildren of my own, times seem like they were better in the sixties and seventies than they are now.

The world today seems darker to me with its endless wars, chaos, violence, prevalent crimes, classroom shootings, climate change, confusion, child predators, and a complete disregard for human life. 

Don't despair, however. Through all of this dark confusion a beacon of hope shines, a guiding light to salvation, a ray of everlasting peace, a peace  that surpasses all understanding, the peace that is only found in Jesus.

There was a saying some years ago that became very popular in Christian circles. The saying was “What would Jesus do?” It means that before you act or make a decision in life, always ask yourself” “What would Jesus do?” Don’t act in haste, or sin in your decision making, but think about what Jesus would do and act accordingly.

Imagine what a better place this world would be if everyone decided to pattern their behavior and their actions after Jesus. 

It brings to mind the story of the Wedding at Cana found in John chapter 2. There was a major problem at the wedding, as they ran completely out of wine. In those days, it was unthinkable to have a wedding celebration without wine. Mary, Jesus’ mother, said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”

How did the servants react? The bible says that they followed the Lord’s instructions. In obedience to His command they filled the water pots with water.  Then Jesus proceeded to turn the water into wine- His first recorded miracle.

The world today is dark because we have turned our backs on Christ and refuse to follow His instructions. If we would just love the Lord with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind, and if we would just love our neighbors as ourselves…what a spiritual shift we would see- a miracle of light in this world.

The world is out of its spiritual wine today because it absolutely refuses to listen to Jesus. The miracle of Christ is that He not only turned water into wine but He can also turn war into peace, confusion into clarity, tears into laughter, despair into hope, sadness into joy and death into eternal life.    

We all have problems and needs, whether they are financial, physical, emotional, marital, relational or otherwise. However, just like the servants at the wedding at Cana, the solution to our problems is to do whatever He tells us to. Jesus is the light of the world, and when we do whatever He tells us to, we reflect that light in this world of darkness. 

From the desk of Pastor Stephen Randall